
Sunday, 5 February 2012

Snow... & Wig Making

Overnight we had 6 inches of snow. Mmm... leading to pics like this...

Don't worry, I picked the snow balls off her and dried her by the fire and she's back to normal now!

So days like this...

Are great for doing this...

I am getting there... slowly, but surely!


  1. We have lots of snow LOL

  2. Omg poor baby all those snow balls on his legs :(

  3. Love the density on this. Are you single strand single knotting? or multiple strands but skipping every few holes? nicely done!

    1. Thanks for the compliment!

      At the extended nape, I did single strand single knots every other row (the lace is tiny hole size so this still made it quite dense). On the honeycomb lace, I have been doing 2 strands single knot and I have been ventilating every row purely because the holes are big and so there are a lot less of them than if you were ventilating to swiss/german/french lace. It's still pretty light density. I am just judging it as I go along.
